The Name That Wins.
Felonious Assault or Assault with a Dangerous Weapon
Have You Been Charged With Having A Felonious Assault or Assault with a Dangerous Weapon?
Contact a criminal defense attorney in Warren, Royal Oak, Sterling Heights, Roseville, Macomb County, MI & Fort Myers, FL today.
This is a serious felony that requires skilled representation. Barnwell Law has represented a number of clients who have faced this charge and earned dismissals and victories. This is a serious felony that can result in jail, prison and loss of the ability to own a firearm.
If a firearm is involved the Prosecution is likely to charge you with “Felony Firearm” which upon conviction is a MANDATORY two-year sentence in the state prison. Do not take these charges lightly. They can be beat or mitigated. Contact Barnwell Law today to discuss your case.