The Name That Wins.
Warren, MI Criminal Lawyer Near Me
William Barnwell of Barnwell Law

Respected and top-ranked criminal defense attorney in Warren, MI and Macomb County
Facing a criminal charge is scary. If you are trying to find an attorney near me who specializes in criminal defense call William Barnwell of Barnwell Law today. Our attorney consistently ranks as one of the top and most prominent criminal defense attorneys in Metro-Detroit and beyond.
As a criminal defense attorney whose practice focuses solely on criminal law and criminal defense, Barnwell Law, PLLC is well-known in many counties throughout Michigan. Barnwell Law is based in Warren, MI and Macomb County but practices extensively throughout Metro-Detroit and the entire state of Michigan.
Barnwell Law is also very active in Oakland County and Wayne County and beyond. If you’ve been charged with a misdemeanor offense in Oakland County such as DUI, OWI, or drunk driving, Oakland County is one of the toughest counties in the state as it relates to alcohol charges, and criminal charges in general. In fact, in certain District Courts, jail is a very real possibility, even for first-time offenders. This is why it is extremely important to hire a skilled criminal defense attorney who knows how each District Court operates. This includes offenses such as Disorderly Conduct, Drunken Disorderly Conduct, Jostling, Public Urination, and other offenses that are often connected with alcohol or substance abuse.
Misdemeanor and DUI Defense Lawyer Near Me

Barnwell Law defends all misdemeanor criminal offenses. Common misdemeanors and most other courts are drug crimes, including misdemeanor offenses such as possession of drug paraphernalia, driving while license suspended, retail fraud, domestic violence assault, assault and battery, disorderly conduct, and others. It is important not to assume a crime isn’t serious “just” because it’s a misdemeanor allegation.
The most common misdemeanor offense in Metro-Detroit courts is Operating While Intoxicated. This is commonly called an OWI, or OUIL and is popularly called a DUI. A first-offense DUI is punishable by up to 93 days in jail and a six month license suspension. However, if a person’s alleged blood alcohol content (BAC) is over .16, then the maximum penalty increases to 180 days in jail and license sanctions for an entire year, with a an expensive and burdensome interlock device that must be installed in a vehicle.
A second offense DUI is punishable by up to one year in jail, with a mandatory minimum of 5 days in jail, if the second offense incident occurs within seven years of a conviction of a first offense DUI. A person’s driver’s license will also be revoked for a minimum of one-year, even if the offense is reduced to a “first offense.” In such cases, a person has to beat their case or get into a Sobriety Court to keep their driver’s license.
Felony Lawyer Near Me

Far more serious is felony offenses such as possession of drugs, including heroin, cocaine, and other recreational drugs such as ecstasy, methamphetamine, commonly known as meth, and prescription drugs that are unlawfully obtained. These can be prescription drugs like Vicodin, Xanax, Oxycontin, and various opioid drugs including painkillers. Possessing these prescription drugs can result in charges such as Possession of Analogues. Other offenses can include Maintaining a Drug House, and various other drug crimes.
Far more serious than drug possession cases, are Distributing and Manufacturing cases. These can carry prison sentences of 7 years, 20 years, or more depending on the substance and the offense. These are much more serious charges than possession charges, but even possession charges are very serious. For instance, possessing any amount of methamphetamine or meth is a maximum penalty of 10 years in state prison.
There are a host of other commonly charged offenses that range from retail fraud, larceny, embezzlement, home invasion, breaking and entering, criminal sexual conduct, sex crimes, homicide, murder, and many other misdemeanors and felonies. It is important to note that even in major allegations of murder and homicide, defenses exist and a skilled defense attorney is needed for these offenses that can result in life in prison. Sex Crimes, such as allegations of First Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct, 2nd Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct, 3rd Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct, and 4th Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct can be beat. People can be falsely accused. In fact, our attorney has successfully defended various people in wrongly accused of sex crimes.

The good new is Barnwell Law has a record of winning jury trials in Macomb County and throughout Michigan, and countless other favorable outcomes for clients who resolved there cases short of a trial. Our attorney has handled routine cases and many high profile cases and you can learn more about the “Barnwell Defense” here.
Our attorney is also a top-rated attorney who has received the highest marks from various attorney review sites. So don’t just take our word for it. Read what actual clients have had to say and the various awards our attorney has received. According to AVVO, a reputable attorney-rating and review site, Bill Barnwell is a 10 rated attorney — the highest rating an attorney can receive.
Our attorney has practiced in every District Court in Macomb County, Oakland County, and Wayne County, and dozens of district courts across the state of Michigan in all regions and parts of the state. In fact, if you visit our webpage, you can see a breakdown of each District Court in Metro-Detroit. Here is an example of our Oakland County Circuit Court page.
It is important to note that Barnwell Law has a state-wide presence and has practiced all throughout Michigan and delivered solid results for clients state-wide. Oakland is just one of the many counties that our attorney Bill (William) Barnwell has regular experience fighting for clients. But our attorney knows Oakland County and the ins and outs of the system.
Top-Rated Lawyer Near Me
The important point is this: facing a criminal case is tough and stressful. But with skilled and experience defense counsel, you will have a dedicated advocate and defense attorney at your side whether you are facing any kind of misdemeanor or felony. That is where William Barnwell of Barnwell Law comes in.
If you are facing a misdemeanor or felony charge in Warren, MI, Macomb County, or anywhere else in Michigan, be sure to contact Barnwell Law today at (810) 394-2952. Our attorney is on call 24 hours a day and for emergencies. Retain a respected attorney with results who enjoys advocating for his clients.